APHIDOcontrol Aphidoletes aphidimyza

Aphidoletes aphidimyza is a mosquito from family Cecidomyiidae, and its larvae control effectively the aphids from family Aphidae.
Bottle of 1,000 pupae.
Transport and storage
Keep the bottle horizontally and at a temperature of 10-15ºC. Do not break the cold chain in all the transport and storage process. Do not store the product after 48 hours of receipt, and never expose it to sunlight or pesticides.
Target pest:

Aphidoletes aphidimyza is a mosquito from family Cecidomyiidae, and its larvae control effectively the aphids from family Aphidae. 


Aphidoletes aphidimiza is used in several horticultural, ornamental and fruit crops.




Release 5 – 10 ind/m2.

Dosage can vary depending on the crop and the level of the pest.


Before opening the bottle, set it horizontally and rotate it to mix the content. Spread over the plants around the aphid hot spots. High humidity is important for the correct development of the Aphidoletes aphidimyza adults.


Manufacturer: AgroBio

Aphidoletes aphidimyza is a mosquito from family Cecidomyiidae, and its larvae control effectively the aphids from family Aphidae. The A. aphidimyza lays its eggs on plants that have a high population of aphids, in the underside of the leaves. When the larva of Aphidoletes aphidimiza finds the prey, it injects a toxin into it and eats the aphid 10 minutes later.


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