
Вегетаційний період рослин 1
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Планету врятує культура: відносин один до одного і всього живого навколо. Ми впроваджуємо культуру толерантних відносин людини і природи за допомогою сучасних технологій. Ми міняємо ментальність від споживацтва до партнерства з природою.

Orius laevigatus is a polyphagous bug from the Anthocoridae family that has been successfully used to control thrips for over 20 years. The natural habitat of this insect covers the entire Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic coasts of southern Europe to the Middle East.

Fungi are a large and diverse group of organisms closely related to agriculture. Some of them are the causative agents of dangerous diseases of agricultural crops, while others are themselves grown by humans for human consumption.

This predatory mite has been called Hypoaspis miles for a long time, but according to the latest changes in taxonomy, it was given a different name Stratiolaelaps scimitus. However, among biological control specialists, the name Hypoaspis miles is still more convenient and common.

For most people, the word "pollination" is usually associated with domestic honey bees. They are by far the best nectar collectors and honey producers, but few people know that the honey bee is one of the most low effective pollinators.