Cotton bollworm pheromone (Helicoverpa armigera)

Pheromone bait for monitoring and trapping the African Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) - a dangerous pest that damages many crops, including corn, cotton, tomato, tobacco, soybean, pea, alfalfa, pepper, cabbage, onion, sunflower, apple tree, pear, plum, peach and etc.
1 pc.
Transport and storage
Store in a cool dry place. Shelf life can vary from 3-36 months depending on the storage temperature. See Technical Data Sheet for further details.
Действующее вещество:
Z-11-hexadecen-1-al and Z-9-hexadecenal
Target pest:

African Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera).


Cotton, tomatoes, tobacco, chickpea, maize, sorghum, wheat, groundnut, sunflower, chilli, pigeon pea.


Remove the bait from the sachet, place it in the center of the trap and send it at a height of about 1 m. To monitor the number of baits, there should be at least 1 per hectare, but less than 2 per farm. Two traps per hectare (2trap/ha) for small holdings and in field of uneven topography.

The Deltra trap is the most sensitive trap to use for monitoring this insect. However, Moth catcher may be used in dusty conditions or in high moth population density.

Do not re-use the trap to monitor different insects as this may lead to mixed catches. One trap for every two hectares of large scale fields of homogenous lands.




Manufacturer: Russell IPM

Helicoverpa armigera or African bollworm is distributed in Asia, Africa, mainland Europe, and Australia. Russell IPM manufacture and supply pheromone lures, traps and complete monitoring systems for African ball worm, Helicoverpa armigera. Pheromone trap data gives early warning of the infestation and also exhibits the density of the insect population.
An economically important agricultural insect of cotton, tomatoes, tobacco, chickpea, maize, sorghum, wheat, groundnut, sunflower, chilli, pigeon pea.

Mature female can lay several thousand eggs .The eggs are approximately 0.5 mm in diameter and are white to brown in colour. Caterpillars pass through four developmental stages (instars) and ultimately reach 35 to 40 mm in length. Wavy broken lines run along the body of the cater pillar. Minute hair like spines covers the body. These are characteristic of these caterpillars. The caterpillars pupate in the soil. Pupae are usually 10-20 mm long. Adult moths have a wing-span of 30 to 40 mm, and range in colour from grey to orange-brown. The forewings have a network of dark lines and a broad brown band. The hind wings are paler, with a broad, dark brown border.


  • for 6 weeks, male cotton bollworms are baited and trapped, giving a clear picture of the pest population;
  • pest detection at early stages of population development;
  • the possibility of mass capture;
  • easy to use with deltoid and other types of traps.


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