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Artem PRO5 is a complete substitute for natural food for the consolidation and / or maintenance of populations of such entomophages (beneficial insects) as Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis, based on cysts of Artemia leaf-footed crustaceans
Packaging: Cardboard tube 0.25 l (50 g);
Cardboard tube 0.5 l (100 g);
Cardboard tube 1 l (250 g).
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Sterile eggs of the flour moth (Ephestia kuehniella) is a dangerous pest of food supplies in warehouses and granaries.
Packaging: Cardboard tube 0.25 l (50 g);
Cardboard tube 0.5 l (100 g);
Cardboard tube 1 l (250 g).
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Сomplete substitute for natural food for fixing on a crop or maintaining populations of beneficial insects such as Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis, based on cysts of Artemia leaf-footed crustaceans and sterile eggs of the mill firefly (Ephestia kuehniella).
Packaging: Cardboard tube 0.25 l (50 g);
Cardboard tube 0.5 l (100 g);
Cardboard tube 1 l (250 g).
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Сomplete substitute for natural food for fixing on a crop or maintaining populations of beneficial insects such as Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis, based on cysts of Artemia leaf-footed crustaceans, sterile eggs of grain moth (Sitotroga cereolello) and sterile eggs of the mill firefly (Ephestia kuehniella).
Packaging: Cardboard tube 0.25 l (50 g);
Cardboard tube 0.5 l (100 g);
Cardboard tube 1 l (250 g).
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Substitute for natural food to maintain populations of such entomophages as Macrolophus pygmaeus, Nesidiocoris tenuis, Orius laevigatus and Chrysoperla carnea, based on grain moth (Sitotroga cereolello) eggs.
Packaging: Cardboard tube 0.25 l (50 g);
Cardboard tube 0.5 l (100 g);
Cardboard tube 1 l (250 g).
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A complete substitute for natural food for fixing or maintaining the population of predatory mites of the genus Amblyseius.
Packaging: Cardboard tube 1 l (500,000 ind) ;
Paper bag 5 l (2,500,000 ind).
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Biobox PRO5 is a small cardboard box that can be easily hung on the crop. Loose preparations for biological protection are placed in it.
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