MATRIcontrol Aphidius matricariae

Aphidius matricariae is the aphid parasitoid most widely spread in greenhouse crops.
Bottle with mummies from which 500 adults emerge;
Bottle with mummies from which 1.000 adults emerge;
Bottle with mummies from which 5.000 adults emerge.
Transport and storage
Keep the bottle horizontally and at a temperature of 8-10ºC. Do not break the cold chain in all the transport and storage process. Do not store the product after 48 hours of receipt, and never expose it to sunlight or pesticides.
Target pest:

Aphidius matricariae is the aphid parasitoid most widely spread in greenhouse crops. Although it can be hosted by more than 40 species, A. matricariae is especially effective against Myzus persicae (green peach aphid).


A. matricariae attacks mainly two aphids: Myzus persicae nicotianae (tobacco aphid) and Myzus persicae persicae (green peach aphid). It can cause some damage to the aphid of cotton and can attack other aphid species occasionally.


Before opening the bottle, set it horizontally and rotate to mix the content. Release the A. matricariae in the aphid hotspots or in small boxes over the crop, early in the morning or at sunset.


Manufacturer: AgroBio

Aphidius matricariae is the aphid parasitoid most widely spread in greenhouse crops. Although it can be hosted by more than 40 species, A. matricariae is especially effective against Myzus persicae (green peach aphid). A. matricariae has high oviposition and fertility rates, a female can lay more than 400 eggs from which approximately 200 are female descendants able to parasitize dozens of aphids a day.

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