ENCARcontrol Encarsia formosa

Encarsia formosa is a parasitic wasp of the greenhouse White fly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum).
Bottle with pupae from which 5.000 adults will emerge;
Bottle with pupae from which 15.000 adults will emerge;
Box of pupae cards from which 3.000 adults will emerge;
Box of pupae cards from which 15.000 adults will emerge.
Transport and storage
Keep the bottle or box horizontally and at a temperature of 8-10ºC. Do not break the cold chain in all the transport and storage process. Do not store the product after 48 hours of receipt, and never expose it to sunlight or pesticides.
Target pest:

Encarsia formosa is a parasitic wasp of the greenhouse White fly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum).


It is used in several horticultural, ornamental and fruit crops.



Preventively, release 1.5 ind/m2, and curatively, 2-4 ind/m2. There must be weekly introductions until a high level of parasitism is reached (80-90%).


Before opening the bottle, set it horizontally and rotate it to mix the content. Open the bottle inside the crop and spread the wasps over the leaves or in small boxes. If the pupae come in cards then hang the cards all over the crop depending on the recommended dose.



Manufacturer: AgroBio

Encarsia formosa is a parasitic wasp of the greenhouse White fly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum). The females of E. formosa are attracted to its prey by the honeydew segregated. Once the wasp finds the larva of white fly, lays an egg inside it and the insect that emerges from it will eat the white fly from inside.


most often used with this product
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