APHIcontrol Aphidius colemani

Aphidius colemani is a parasitic wasp from family Braconidae.
Bottle with mummies from wich 1,000 adults will emerge;
Bottle with mummies from wich 5,000 adults will emerge.
Transport and storage
Keep the bottle horizontally and at a temperature of 8-10ºC. Do not break the cold chain in all the transport and storage process. Do not store the product after 48 hours of receipt, and never expose it to sunlight or pesticides.
Target pest:

Aphidius colemani parasitizes the aphids in the crop.


It can be used in protected horticultural crops, ornamental and open field crops where Myzus persicae and Aphis gossypii occur.



Release 1-2 ind/m2, introducing 0’25 ind/m2 weekly using the banker plants (PLANTAcontrol). Once found the hot spots of aphids, release 0’5-1 ind/m2.

Dosage can vary depending on the crop and the level of the pest. Consult the recommended dose with an Agrobío field advisor.


Before opening the bottle, set it horizontally and rotate it to mix the content. Release the wasps in the aphid hot spots or in small boxes all over the crops early in the morning or at sunset.


Manufacturer: AgroBio

Aphidius colemani is used to control Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae, and also Rhopalosiphum padi – used in banker plants as PLANTAcontrol –. A. colemani is a parasitic wasp from family Braconidae. It parasitizes the aphids in the crop. Once the wasp finds the host, it lays its eggs inside the aphid. The adult of A. colemani parasitizes about 300 aphids.



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